Friday, December 30, 2011

new hope, new beginning and new year.

It's a celebration everyone is talking about; the new year celebration.

For the past years of my life, I've never even celebrate any of it. You can call me a loser, but as long as I am not a loser in Allah SWT book of judgment, that is more than enough for me. 

Anyway, that is not what I wanted to say,  let me sum of what did happened in my life in 2011.

A lot has been going on this 2011 but Alhamdulilah I've managed to go through it with happiness, sadness, dissapointment, victory and so on. Trying to be invisible and timid from the internet world because life is far beyond than the internet.

I wanted to apologize for everything i've done with or without me knowing; because I am only human. And, I have forgiven everyone that done anything with or without you knowing it. I accept the fact that it was all fated or bound to happen. It taught me to be a better person (i hope).

Starting next year, a lot will change. I will bound to change. Its new beginning in my life, new perspective and another step in life; entering the working force. A new responsibility, personality and loads of new things. But, still sticking to my own self. 

2011 : Thanks for pointing out what is life is all about, what are the meaning of friendship and relationship and what are actually are important and not important. Thank you 2011, I bid you farewell and thanks for all the experiences.

as for 2012 : I wish to become a better Islam, new courage along the way, new perspective in life and lastly, not new life, just better life. 

Thank you and take care everyone, be responsible in whatever you do. Insya-Allah, when you remember Allah SWT, He will remember you. Amin.

Song : CHRIS BOTTI IN BOSTON | “Emmanuel” w/ Lucia Micarelli

Thursday, September 1, 2011

best ads ever

By far, this is the most cool ads ever made!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

French Jazz Singer

I was a bit tired today, and decided to do my favourite routine of all time.

Find Jazz Songs :)

So, I adore French Jazz eventhough Jazz is still Jazz. But in French, kinda makes it sensational. :)

Her name is Fredrika Stahl. 

The song above is Les jeux sont faits which means The Chips are down.

another song by her is Ou Veux Tu Aller means or will you go :)

That's all folks. Will update any other songs :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

this song makes me feel like.

This song makes me feel as though im in Paris and in love with someone so much and smiling and happily enjoying my life. <3 <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011

oldies song

I adore old song.

I was looking for new tunes to listen to, and found this song.

But then, found this lovely quote from this movie.

The scene where the 2 are sitting in a restaurant during their travels and spy an older couple at a nearby table.

Albert says, "What kind of people sit across from each other with nothing to say?"
Ms. Audrey simply replied. "Married people".

That stuck with me forever.Awwww. <3

Another version of this beautiful song from Henry Mancini.


Nice Tune from Henry Mancini

It's Ramadhan

Ramadhan is finally here. (and it's the 7th day of Ramadhan, Alhamdulilah Ive live this far)

Ramadhan is the month of Redemption, Forgiveness and Doing Good.


Song Playing : Asmaul Husna - Hijjaz

Keeps getting better

I can finally see the end of working there.

No one said that work can be so much fun and hell. I'm glad that its gonna end soon. 

Good News : Its gonna end in a couple of weeks.

Bad News : New semester is starting real soon and less than 1 year, I'm gonna have my own permanent job. Suckyy.

Song playing : Sting ft Craig David - Rise and Fall

Saturday, July 9, 2011

i love you, i do i do i do. :)

i love you, i do i do i do :)

Monday, July 4, 2011


I'm in love with this man. *salute*

Someone gave me this song :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

happy birthday, june babies!

This year June was quite happening because Ive got to celebrate 3 birthday's.

(This was really a late post ~ due to a very bussy June)

Let's us start with my most favourite person ever (No achik, it's not you :p)

9th June
It was never really a secret, anymore, now u're aging faster than I am. hihi. I knew this age is like your turning point in your life. A change from a boy to a man. This is what u've been waiting for, and so many things u've accomplish in a very short notice. I wish you happiness and I'll always support in anything that u do.  All the best in whatever you do and yes, there's more to come for you and for me. We'll just have to wait. :) :* :D

14th June
Do I really need to say anything? Do I? HAHAHAHA. Firstly, thank you for being a very wonderful sissssssssta ever. It's every little sister dream to have a sister like you (bleeergh). But nevertheless, you'll kinda always there for me, other than bullying me what not. I pray that you'll going to find the happiness you seek and be happy always and oh ya, thanks for supporting me. Hihihhiihhi. Love you always. Muah muah muah. :D

18th June
Yesza, the newlyweds. For you, I wish you all the happiness that u've been seeking throughout your life. I'm glad that you're married now, and yes im not pressuring you but it's nice to have a niece :D anyway, it's all in God's doing. Anyway, have a happy married life with the one you love and always stay healthy. We're still sisters although we're not under the same roof anymore. We all still love you no matter how far you go :) hugsssss!

All these 3 birthday's have their own story to tell. But that will not be something that I would share because it is something private and intimate. :)


Song : Michael Buble - Some Kind of Wonderful :)

kucing dan aku : Part 2

If you a really a stalker of my blog, you must knew that Ive written this post about a cat and me. There's a continuation of it. Let me tell you what it is. Kucing dan Aku

The name is Chiko and the sad thing is, Chiko isn't alive anymore.

It happened one fine day. The owner, was taking a shower and she let him go for the sake of freedom and she couldn't let her go in the house because both me and my roomate have issue with cats. (Read the post and u'll know how big the issue is).

Anyway, that night, I came home from a very fine dinner when suddenly, she was infront of the door, crying. She said, she heard Chiko was crying. (Don't ask me how).

A few minutes later, (after ive changed my clothes and everything), I hear some chaos inside the house. Just to know that, Chiko has fallen from the sixth floor to the ground floor, and thank God, Chiko is not dead yet. But, to see him shaking and a bit of fear in Chiko's eyes. Chiko's legs was broken and Chiko couldnt stand and Chiko did not meow-ing or anything. Just fear.

Chiko did not become itself for next few weeks, until the day we've completed our 2nd last paper and the owner said to me, "After we've completed this exam, im gonna bring Chiko to the vet. Chiko's not eating anymore", she said to me right before we entered the hall.

But, something else happened.

I was out with another friend of mine, and was on the way to faculty and got a phone call from Chiko's owner.

She was crying histerically, and said, "H, Chiko is dead. Chiko is dead", she repeated again and again. I was devastated and I was bit torn. I asked her, "Is anyone in the house?". She answered, "No, I'm alone. Chiko is dead". She was crying but I couldnt do anything. Feels as though I want to cry too.

Later that day, when Ive arrived at home, she said, she's already burried Chiko at her favourite place. She was crying the whole day.

I was speechless and couldn't say anything. Only to pray that Chiko is safe.


Song : Sarah Mclachan - I Will Remember You

Friday, June 24, 2011

Is it too late to thank June?

June is definitely a month of banyak rezeki.

3 cool birthday ever celebrated, too much of food, too much of happiness.

I'm hoping next June will definitely bring more joyful events to me. :)

Song : Jesse Mccartney - Because You Live

australia's masterchef gay second crush

Hayden hayden hayden!

Seriously, guys with blonde curly hair never ever have been on top on my gay crush before. But this hayden guy is really an exception. Maybe his like the male bimbo. More or less, he looked like Barbie's guy, Ken. :)

courtesy of Tumblr

He's a professional lifeguard, 24 and bimbo! Wayyyy to go!

Should see him shirtless! Spicy! But, he's Australian, a girl can dream.

Regardless of his bimbo-ness, he managed to be the only contestant to always lose in the team challenge and earn 1 immunity badge and 2 celebrity challenge. He surprises a lot of people.

After Alex, Im supporting Hayden. :)

Song : Jesse Mccartney - How Do You Sleep

Monday, June 20, 2011

alone but never lonely

Yes, I admit, I can be a bit the soapy person sometimes, but it's just something on my mind.

It's fun when you can hangout, have fun, laughing all day long - with your friends.

Yes, it is fun. I'm a human, of course I can feel the jealousy hole inside of me, but tu bukan rezeki saya. Yes, some other human, did said that i'm a loner. So, is there any problem about loner? Dorang bukan manusia ke? But entahlah, takkan sampai loner pun kau nak gtau semua orang. Apa kejadah ntah. (Post ini bukan nak cari pasal pun, nak cerita pasal benda lain, if terasa, sorry sangat2, never intended to hurt anyone pun).

But i'm not that type of person - the happy go lucky 24/7  but i can be that kind of person that might bores some people.

If only I have money, so that I can join everyone the activities that they do without thinking if the money is sufficient for the next meal, or photostat or paying anything.

If only I have a car, so that I can have friends and hangout and be appreciate rather than menyusahkan orang yang berkereta.

If only I can fulfill all the promise I did with anyone if only I can.

If only I don't have to work to buy my own stuff and things without depending on anyone.

If only I was smart enough to gain trust and respect or feel appreciated.

But like I said, it is all, IF ONLY.

I can only turn to Allah S.W.T. and take this test with open hands, sometimes, there are good things waiting for me. Is not that I don't want to have friends, but I cannot afford it. Hope some people will understand what i'm going through. If only I could.

Song : Dave Koz - Together Again


Thursday, June 16, 2011

weird and creepy dream

After so long writing in english and yes, I know, I need to brush up my english which to some people, menyakitkan mata and bolehlah nak kasi gelak2 pecah perut nangis. tidak mengapa. for this post onwards, i try to write in malay. KENAPA? sebab dia mengarut. 

let me start.

As semua orang tau, Ive started working dekat one of the telecommunication company in Malaysia. and may I say, it's 100% Malaysia product. But no, that's not the story. It's so tiring and setiap kali balik, confirm lunyai bagai. So, one day, I decided to have an early sleep.

A very deep sleep i might add

and no, its not pornographic dream. pfft.

Berbalik kepada cerita itu, if you knew me, like too well, I have a very tak masuk akal punya mimpi. It all started..

My bestfriend, K, ada swimming tournament dekat Pusat Akuatik mana ntah, so, I was there, to support her. Tapi masa tu dah habis, and I told her, ternampak ada kawanm so I nak pegi tegurlah kan. So, on the way ke dia, tiba2 tempat pusat akuatik tu, jadi belakang tempat terbiar camne tah, and tengah nak hi hi bye bye, boleh pulak ada adegan tembak menembak. Uish, apa lagi, aku pun larilah belakang tong sampah yang besar warna hijau supaya nak mengelak.

Pastu, my friend tu kena tembak, so, tibe2 dah scene hospital. This is the weird part starts;

tibe2, this guy (which tak nampak muka sape) confess that dia ada hati with me. (okay, no no, dengar dulu), pastu i was shocked. i asked him, if kita teruskan relationship ni, how do we contact each other? and he answered,

"SMS lah, dorang sure bagi I bawak hp"

Creepy much? (again, nope that's not the best part)

and we was sms-ing all the way until the result dia mati ke tak. and when the result kuar, he said,

"Oh I tak jadi mati, so we're on la kan?"

I woke up, laughing and feeling dizzy with the whole dream. But, the 1st thing I think other than my bf, is camne dia nak contact me if dia abeh credit when he's down there? (i meant the guy in my dream).

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH. thats all I can say.

Song : Robin Thicke - Everything That I can't have

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the quantity doesn't count, the quality are matters.

Setiap kali nak menulis sesuatu, I would pause and stare blank at my laptop trying really hard what to write. It's not like I have the best blog in the world or I have this a lot of readers that i need to entertain. probably stalkers kot. I don't mind if I have stalker, good or bad, they're still human.

It's human nature to be so judgmental. Sometimes we judge someone we barely knew or probably we've known for quite some time. Why is that so? In Muslim community, we believe that every single negatively is an influence from "Syaitan". 

Every human are born positive and clean.

Their surroundings, family, tradition and any other factors that can influence a human. But, we absolutely cannot run away from being judgmental to other human being, included me. I repeat, it's not good to be so judgmental. Because we don't know their story and why they turned out to be that way. Sometimes, they don't ask to be the way they are, but because of the factors Ive mentioned before, probably they trying to protect themselves, who knows?

But there are the bad side if we look them with a positive side. They tend to take it for granted and twist it into a negative thing. Probably trying to bring you down. But it's okay, don't blame anyone for any of their action. It's a part of life, some may dissapoint you and some may always be there for you.

But, the one thing that matter; don't ever ever lose yourself and be someone you're not

It's okay to be the black sheep or having this people let you down, at least people notice you. Instead of being this invisible person waiting to be notice. We don't really know they reason why it turned out that way, you can always turn to God and pray that you're strong enough to live for the future. 

Some good things will come your way, if you just wait.

Let them talk, just held your head high and smile. Be confident. and most importantly, Smile.

and yes, be proud with yourself. 

and to never ever never let yourself down. NEVER.

If you can be your own bestfriend, and learn to love yourself, surely someone will notice it, someday. Insya-Allah. :)

Song : Avant - Had Enough

must see proposal.

To me, the girls is very lucky. Because why? The love of her life, propose and did something unthinkable yet achievable. 

She must be one hell of a women. And I must say, she is so pretty eventhough she was crying, happily.

Song : Colbie Callait - I do.

australia's masterchef marathon

As now, Ive watched the Australian MasterChef Season 3 approximately 15 episode.

Because why? Because of this particular person.

courtesy of : MasterChef website

His name is Alex Glasson

Can I say, I have this gay crush on him? Oh la-la. No, his cooking to me, unique and different. But it's not that, his enthusiasm really blew me away. Through achieving the top 24 spot, he's been in the elimination for 3 times (and there are 3 times elimination), and it was a bummer when knowing he's not chosen for the top 24. 

But fate indeed does him justice.

One of the contestant, pull out and he was given a second to continue on in the Australian MasterChef. Eventhough he was the second contestant eliminated, he was smiling throughout the episode and yes, judges definitely like him. like a lot.

The most important why I have this crush on him, it's because of his passion towards food. I was so inspired by his effort to pull it together and smile. I think every human needs a big dose of Alex Glasson. He was indeed a very positive man. in a reality show of course. :)

I hope to see this young machinist become this top chef, someday. He'll be a great chef because of his positiveness. He can pull it through except he must brush up his time management and try to work under pressure. Im no jugde, but it's something obvious.

Enough about him. All the best to him. :)

p/s: Because of him, Im inspired to cook. Like serious cook. :)  or it's just another dream. who knows?

Song  : Avant - Everything About You.

Friday, June 10, 2011

new job

A little update after so many months since the last post.

Maaaalas sebenarnya nak update, yelah having this new job meaning, having a life; the reality one.

Anyway, working in a telecommunication company is somehow a new experience, different area from what I'm studying now. It may seem easy, but it's tiring. I don't even have time for myself.  I feel....old.

Random sangat, Finance to Admin.

Telecommunication company is the only company that you can hear all sort of sounds. Sound of blackberry's massager, what'sapp; you named it.It's there. and the best part it, if sakit perut but nak berbb dalam toilet, oh dia sangatlah tidak asing lagi. It's normal. So, nak bertwitter dalam toilet, dipersilakan. Hihi.

Pastu, I have to shipped all sort of $_$ item. Seronoklah, walaupun hanya dapat check and pegang. At least, bila orang cakap, "Weyh ko tengok Samsung Galaxy Tab tu, besar tak agaknya?". I can always answer, "Ala, kecik sikit dari iPad". #moodpegrak.

Enough with the cockiness, yes, it's fun there but one thing, jauh. So, I have to walk. T_T Balik lunyai tido awal bangun awal.

Looking forward to enjoy my weekend now. Cheero. :D

now playing : Sweet - Funny Funny

Friday, May 20, 2011


It's 3am and honestly, i couldn't sleep.

I'm not saying that no one understands me, which apparently, this one person really understands but what i'm trying to say here, everyone else doesn't.

I understand that life isn't as easy as it looks or death isn't as scary as it looks, but somehow the word "What If" always repeating at the back of my head. i know that our lives have been written even before we were born. Our destiny has their own mind and believe me, it has a lot challenges lies upon us. And the people around us, is not doing their job well.

But nevertheless, I am still thankful for everything and most importantly, I'm thankful I'm still breathing and even though it is so painful, i know that end of the day before I close my eyes, there's someone who accept and wants me just the way I am.

"You lose some, you win some" and that's all matters. 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

facts you might not know about me but try very hard to ignore but accidentally read it.

Sorry for a very long title.

Tonight, I'm a bit talkative and energetic. And it's not good for this eyes T_T

but let's review what are the facts that i'm going to tell you.

Fact 1
Youngest among 4 girls.
Nothing in this world could ever change the fact, that I have 3 sisters. And without them, I will never ever like mathematics. Thank you, sisters!

Fact 2
Loves Mathematics.
Im no maths genius, I just love maths. Maths is a challenge and when you can answer 1 hard question, you'll understand that you can bypass any obstacles and challenges lie ahead of you. 

Fact 3
Unstable Human Emotions
I cannot define what emotion i'm having each seconds of my life. But, its what I am, and 'if you don't accept and love yourself, no one else will'. Human emotions cannot control for some human. But I always stick to this one phrase, "Allah S.W.T. takkan uji umat-Nya dengan ujian yang tidak dapat ditahan mereka". Sesungguhnya kita hidup kerana-Nya, dan tanpa-Nya, we wouldn't be here at the first place.

Fact 4
Loves Music
Everyone has a different idea what a music is. Everyone is a musician. Why? Sebab, according to Wikipedia...(okay, ni semangat sangat). Anyway, because why, everyday, kita terdedah with many kind of music, do you know, the sound of your breathing is a kind of music? Cuba try tarik nafas and hembus nafas laju2, cam rapper tak? (Okay, itu mengarut) Back to main point here, my main attraction for what I search for my easy listening; anything that can make me happy; Why waste 1 seconds of sadness, when you can have another 59 seconds of happiness?

Fact 5
Poor Habit
Kena include jugak ke? Sometimes, yes. Admitting your weakness is a sign of strength. So, don't be sad if you can't cook (Haa, gasaklah kau bila kahwin laki kau suruh masak-Ingat ye wanita, kalau tidak mahu suami anda lari ke tangan perempuan lain, ringan2kan tulang dan belajar masak, kerana air tangan kamu itulah yang membuatkan suami bertambah sayang dan makin sayang sampaikan boleh mintak duit atau credit card tuk membeli beli di Jusco Member's Day, ok?) Lazy, yes, sesetengah manusia dikurniakan dengan kemalasan yang teramat, saya sekali BUT tengok keadaan. Tak elok tak unproductive everyday >.<

Fact 6
Loves to Eat
To boleh deny fact ni. Anything fattening and cheesy, I am definitely an active eater. Domino's Classified Chicken Double Decker is among the mouthwatering food I can never ever say No to. If satu hari I have a fight with anybody, eventhough it is not my fault, kalu beli Pizza ni haa, confirm I yang ngaku kalah, sebab makan punya pasal (yes, saya lemah cmtu hanya kerna makan :D)

Fact 7
Loves to Sing and Dance
Im no singer or dancer but I sing ikut sedap telinga (konon2 Astrud Gilberto ke) menari ikut perasaan sambil gelek2 (and berangan Amelina nyanyi lagu "Asyikkkk"), but whenever you encounter me doing this, it shows that maybe Im too stressed out and needed to loosen a little bit or probably im too happy and wanted to be all jumpy here and there. Hihi.

Fact 8
Drama Queen Normal
Entahlah, Drama Queen ini apa? Mungkin ada sesetengah pihak will say Im a drama queen but nah, "Words do not define who you are, but action does". Because why? The are kejillion trillion billion million thousands hundreds people in this world and you're trying to be someone that likable? or trying to fit in? But whyyyy? No Friends? Takpe, tak mati. Tak loser, loser tu apa? Only other people perception towards orang yang dia rasa threaten with jeh. But that probably be my opinion. Tak payah kejar glamour2 kan? Akhirat Tuhan tak bagi ganjaran pun dekat orang2 popular ni, kan? :)

Fact 9
Berangan or daydream has always been my favourite hobby since forever. Huhuh. Orang cakap kan, kalau kuat berangan, dia dia dia tak semestinya Mat Jenin tapi mungkin boleh jadi berjaya. Okay tu tipu. Seronok tau berangan. Because reality doesnt do the justice. So, might as well, we have fun with the imagination rather than serabutkan kepala with the reality. :)

Fact 10
Anything that related to hazelnut choc or cheeze choc or just plan choc. :)

Okay, that just 10 useless facts and advice about me or maybe for you sikit2. :D

Song : Claire Keim - Ca Depend :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

let's get married

Since I was a very young adult (cewah), everyone that knew me, been saying that I should get marry! Wajib Kahwin they said.

Anyway, this upcoming wedding, really made me think; do we really have to get married? Its chaotic, expensive, nerve-wrecking and stressful.
Pfft, for those who married early or going to be wed at this very young age; congratulations! you guys are really one strong and "kental" individual that really brave to take on this challenge.

My advice : Work on your marriage if there is default in any problems or anything. Be prepared because no marriage have zero problems. :)

Happy married yaw everyone :)


the end is near

The world is getting upset with the people in it. Including us.

So, don't be too caught up with the world's agenda. Be prepared, we might not know when the world is going to end, but most people thought that 2012 will be it. Ha-ha. Funny, i guess.

Anyway, again and again, need i remind you. 

Be ready. :)


It's the 18th day of the month, the month of March.

It's crucial to be positive when somehow you are surrounded by people from a very different background than we are with different perspective about life and preferences.
But who are we to judged and to say. Enough about that. 

Yes, this month, somehow its a bit difficult due to some circumstances and an upcoming event that's been getting on everybody's nerve. Boo-hoo. But, thats not really the reason for sadness, are they? Yeap, somehow, this difficulties if going to pay off real soon. We just have to wait and be patient for it. There's must be a reason for the saying of;
"Sabar itu separuh daripada iman"

Anyhow, I hope April will bring more winning and enjoyable month for me and everybody.
But despite all the drama and chaos, I know that by end of the day, someone is there to say that "everything is gonna be alright, we will just have to wait and be patient". :)

So, don't really have to worry. :)


Friday, February 11, 2011

whatever you want

Oh shit, I love her body and her clothes in this. Oh please, could I be you? Grrrr.

and yeah, my love is like woah!



Sometimes, I'm kinda a hopeless romantic kind of person.

I love to day-dream in the middle of the day, wanting something that is impossible. Something out of our control.

For the past few decades of my life, i'm always searching for something, something to feel my heart. An emptiness that needed to be filled.

I'm searching for love and affection.

According to; 

Affection is a tender feeling toward another, fondness.

I longed for affection, like forever. Love is something subjective, something that is easy to find, to be in, but affection takes years to build and to be found, because men is usually associated with their ego's and everything.

Yes, we know you have ego and need to be a man, but we need affection too.

This is also mainly I loved to watched black and white movies, and their love life seems promising and real and pure. I dreamed of that.

I dreamed  of;

1. Found "the one" or in other words, my soulmate (and I don't really use this term because it is hard and possible to find your soulmate)
2. Just sitting and stare and gazing at each other and thankful that we have met the right person but seldomly at the right time
3. Spending the time in the day, just be with each other without saying a word eventhough our heart spokes to each other (more or less, macam bluetooth)
4. When we're old, we're everywhere selling kuih-muih, or travelling around Malaysia and just spend what's left in our life.
5. He will read our love story as I will have an Alzheimer (Insya-Allah tak ada, walaupun itu penyakit keturunan :p)
6. We will buy a house beside the sea and get out from all the chaos of the city.
7.  Dancing in the middle of the streets, walking around the beach, singing in the rain, 
8. Go to PARIS and re-live the black and white movies :)
9. Write a book about our love story just to ready when we are old enough and waiting for our time.
10. Just be ourselves and do what makes us happy.

+ 11. Died at the same time, because we couldn't live without the other one.

I know it's a bit cheesy and hopeless, but it's what I want.

And I hope, that I will find the love and affection that I'm searching for.

Is it possible? *Gary Barlow - Forever Love*


Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes, I have a thing for beautiful women. 

KAK Shania, im in love! :) with you of course kak shania. ewah ewah.

This song says it all. :)

'Cause I'm keeping you

forever and for always
We will be together all of our day
Wanna wake up every
morning to your sweet face--always


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

V's Day

Everything is heating up, everyone is looking forward to it.

But I don't celebrate it. WHY?
It's not my culture and the one yang wujudkan ni bukan Islam pun. 

I don't anybody to be my Valentine. And I don't believe that we have to celebrate the "love" only on February 14. What about other 364 days? Not valuable? Beats me.

I don't to call anybody my Valentine sebab Valentine is a bit cheesy. Don't you think so?

But one thing about me, IF I think someone deserve to be my Valentine, everyday would be a Valentine day for him. Not on February 14. (awwwwww, poyo tak poyo tak?) :)

Let me change Valentine to "Love" day. 

Everyday is  a love day for me, would you agree on that? :)

p/s : I love my mummy so dearly. Hihihih :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

penghapusan dosa

Have you ever heard that if kita demam, it's like penghapusan dosa-dosa kecil?

Okay, maybe H banyak dosa and sebab tulah selalu sakit, but then kadang2 perubahan cuaca yang extensive pun menyumbang kepada peternakan sakit ni. Pendek cite, tahi penyakit jela eh.

And like seriously, every semester, sakit tu adalah perkara wajib. Bukan lemah or mengada2, tapi Tuhan nak bagi cash-cash ni, terima jela. Muhasabah diri sikit. Kenapa sakit, maybe ada terlepas cakap. Yes, im only human. And to all people, I apologize sebab kadang2 kita ni lalai dan terbawa2 dengan perasaan kecil kita ni. 

I don't mind people want to criticize or anything sebab, somehow someday, dorang pun akan sakit. Bukan nak mintak, but that's how the universe works, and tertumbuhnya quotes, "What goes around, comes around". 

In the past, ive probably done some things that im not proud of, but people change. Ive changed, you change. But does it for better or for worst?

Yes, ada kebaikan demam ni. Janganlah anggap dia satu musibah yang melanda yang tidak ada kebaikkannya. :)

But im feeling a lot better compared to before. Mainly, because of the medicine :)

Chalo gedega.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

walk me home, please?

I love mandy moore and I have the desire to be her. SO NOT! :)



I was having lunch with my family; along excluded sebab dia kuar pegi some things for her tuuuut! Anyway, me, mak and angah was talking about random things.

Tah borak punya borak, terkeluar cerita apa tah when suddenly, i remember I used to have this pink bunny with long ears.

And somehow, I wanted that pink bunny and kat Malaysia I dont think ada jual lagi sebab my bought it for me when I was 4/5 years old and Hani heret bunny tu (by the ear) ke mana2, and my mom told me that tak sampai seminggu, bunny tu dah hitam sebabkan I took the bunny everywhere I go. Btw, if anyone knows where I could find it, please do inform me, sebab Ive been searching for that bunny for quite some time :)

More or less, it looks like this. :)
courtesy of

My mom bought this because probably because my name is Hani. So, they called me, "honey bunny" :)) *that what she said*


Saturday, January 29, 2011

kucing dan aku

I'm a cat lover, but im afraid of one.

Sebab : Takut akan kukunya.

Rumah sewa di Shah Alam, one of my housemate wants to bela satu kucing. And surprise surprise, dia bela sebab ada seekor anak Kucing ni ikut Kak J balik rumah aritu and SH come to rescue and bawak dia balik. Oh, anggap je sebenarnya SH dah ada pasir, makanan, sangkar; complete set untuk menjaga kucing. Tetapi tanpa kucing until that day.

Nama : Baby (pada mulanya) but decided to change it to Hachiko because it seems more manly, huh! Kucing Jantan nak panggil baby? Whats? Umpama panggil bem, baby! :)) KIDDING BEM!

Anyway, anggap jela jaga kitten ni cm jaga baby baru lahir. Ia teramat2 manjaaaaaaaaaaa and suka nak main kaki. On the other hand, I, Hani afraid of a KITTEN. Okay, semua orang probably gelak but that's the fact. Im afraid of its nails. Tau tak tajam? (Walaupun sebenarnya tak pernah cakar or anything but seriously scarrrrrry!)

Tiap2 hari kan, anggap je kucing tu kena marah dengan Hani. Sebab everymorning, Im the only person yang akan breakfast (mocha and roti bakar dua keping-same thing), and dia akan meow meow. Nila antara dialog2 yang mungkin boleh terjadi;

Dialog 1
Chiko : Meow Meow Meow Meow (Aku nak kuar main lari2, bawaklah aku kuar)
Hani : Eh senyaplah, meow meow meow, ko lapar ke? Sibuk je nak makan! *muka benggang*

Dialog 2
Chiko : Meow Meow Meow Meow (Aku lapar, nak makan, tambah makanan bole?)
Hani : Lapar ye? tunggu tuan ko bangun ko meow meow dekat dia okay?

Dialog 3 : Baru balik kelas
Chiko : Meow Meow Meow Meow (Cepat kuarkan aku, nak main lari2 and gigit kaki)
Hani : Ha-ha, kesian kena duduk dalam sangkar. Tak kuasa nak kuarkan kau.

Dialog 4 : Tengok Tv
Chiko : Meow Meow Meow Meow (nak kuar nak kuar nak kuar)
Hani : *buat dek*
Chiko : Meow meow meow meow (sampai nangis)
Hani : *pandang chiko and then sambung tengok tv*

Okay, memang nampak cm animal abuse kan? Tapikan cuba bayangkan kalu lepaskan dia kuar, dia rasa powerful and akan gigit2 kaki kita and setiap kali dia berlari2, i will sits on the chair and pandang je dia. Mungkin dia ada dendam dekat muka Hani. Harharhar. Sezalim2 Hani kan, I tried to be nice to him

Balik kelas;
Chiko : Meow meow meow meow (lapar-menangis)
Hani : Okaylah, kesian kau. Meh aku tolong letak makan. *amik makanan kucing and baling2 ke dalam tempat makan dia tanpa membuka sangkar*
Chiko : *Melompat2 nak capai tangan Hani*
Hani : Chiko! Duduklah diam2, tak duduk diam tak dapat makan! (Buat gaya dia manusia)
Chiko : *Still wanting to reach me*
Hani : *Konon berani nak lepaskan dia and im sitting on a chair*
Chiko : *Tangan dia dekat tempat kunci sangkar*
Hani : Tak duduk diam tak dapat makan! *nada marah*
Chiko : *still buat benda sama*
Hani : *end up baling2 je makanan kucing tu* T_T

HAHAHAHAH! ada one morning jugak, terjaga pagi2 buta and nak buang air.
Kuar2 bilik nampak ada lembaga kecik ngah lari2. Tengok2 Chiko. Awkward moment gila. Di mana dia pandang aku, aku pandang dia. Pastu dia nak menuju satu tapak ke arah aku. So I decided to went into my room and took a pillow. Masa nak kuar, halang Chiko dengan bantal and lari masuk toilet!

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, Chiko chiko. Tibe2 rindu nak gurau senda cmtuh. One week and counting! :)


it has ended

It was one hell of a journey, but it ended.

It wasn't my proudest moment but it ended.

It teaches me about life and everything.

All the best for both of us.

Everything happens for a reason, so does this.

"Setiap perkara yang kita buat, digerakkan oleh Allah S.W.T."


pengosok gigi harimau...auuum

Okay, this is among a very classic story of myself and even though I would embarrassed me a little bit, but im okay with it. Sebab, I think it's a bit hilarious and everything.

And before anything, I was not good in Maths as I am today. And I hated Maths because, I hate it. Harharhar. 

This happened when I was in Standard 4; I failed in my Maths quiz camtulah kot. This conversation between me and angah. Achik was there mencurahkan minyak!

Angah : (Holding my quiz paper) Hani, angah nak cakap something.
Hani : *naive blur face* ye angah, ada apa?
Angah : Kenapa ko boleh fail Maths ni? 
Hani : (tunduk bawah) Hani tak hafal sifir. Sifir susah la angah.
Angah : Apalah kau ni hani, angah darjah 2 dah hafal sifir. Achik pun sama, ko darjah 4 pun tak hafal sifir lagi.
Achik : Betul hani.
Angah : Makcik cleaner pun hafal sifir, ko tak malu ke?
Hani : (Tunduk bawah, muka sedih and perasaan bersalah)
Angah : Ko tau, semua orang hafal sifir. If ko tak hafal sifir, ko nak keja apa bila besar? Ko tau orang tak hafal sifir apa keja dia nanti?
Hani : (pandang muka angah takut2) Keja apa angah?
Angah : GOSOK GIGI HARIMAU, kau nak?
Hani : (dalam hati membayangkan berus gigi besar, harimau tengah tunjuk gigi dia and I was brushing it teeth) YE KE? (muka takut and hati berdebar2)
Achik : Betul tu hani!

Telefon berbunyi, angah bergegas ke telefon and achik tengok tv.

I go upstairs and took the sheet of sifir and running downstairs. Duduk dekat ruang tamu depan and started to hafal the sifir's. HAHAHAHAHAHAH! 

And now, im proud to tell you; im currently doing my Bachelor Business Administration (Hons) Finance. Percaya tak percaya budak darjah 4 yang dulu tak suka matematik, is now loving every inch of maths? 

I love angah because takutkan Hani cmtu. And here I wanted to wish her a very late birthday wish! Happy Birthday my dear sister, eventhough you are evil in your own way, I still love you! And your gosok gigi harimau's story. Jangan citer dekat anak2 Hani nanti sudahlah kan? :p

