Wednesday, June 23, 2010

rambling thoughts

Who needs a war when you have your own problems?
Who needs a friend when you cannot count on them?
Who needs a family when they do not understand you?
Who needs a someone who would lend them their shoulder to cry on?
Who needs food when everybody is fighting for it?
Who needs money when money is the only way for you to get what you want?
Who needs feelings when it could be bought with money?
Who needs sisters whom fighting who's going to pay all these and that but never have the guts to say it to their face?
Who needs brothers whom will protect their little sister when they are the ones who destroy them?
Who needs love when people think you are taking advantages?
Who needs a parent whom doesn't work or provide anything? 
Who needs school when it was the whole problem at the first place?

Who really know you better than yourself?

It's for you to decide and for me to know. All the above problem will never be solved unless someone decided to. If not, nothing will change, not even ever. Don't point your finger because of other people's flaws, afterall, we're human. We do not see the purpose of living. So do I.

I was born as an hyperactive kid with an ambition to reach the sky but somehow along the way, I lost.

Find your way and I will find my. Nobody understand how you feel, not even yourself. You cannot count on anyone else because nobody actually wants to help you unless you decide to help yourself first. One day, we're going to be alone. We're going to die alone. Face it.


ada apa pada nama?

Satu hari, tangan ni sungguh gatal lah nak google2 nama sendiri.

Bukan full name, tapi nama depan. It has come to my attention that I have a very yummy name!

salmi, salmis [ˈsælmɪ]
n pl -mis [-mɪ]
(Cookery) a ragout of game stewed in a rich brown sauce
[from French, shortened form of salmigondis salmagundi]
 courtesy of
So anyone, would you like some salmi? HAHAHAHAH! :D
or it could be a name of a place? Wow, famous sungguh salmi ni kan??
Salmi (Finnish: Salmi, Russian: Салми) is a rural settlement and town (posyolok) near Pitkäranta in Republic of Karelia (Russia).
 Tulemajoki River in Salmi
courtesy of
Jangan main2, Salmi ni pun ada kakak! Tapi nama kakak dia..
The sister city of Salmi is:

Anyway, lagi satu famous nama Salmi ni, :D

Salmi is a former Soviet Air Force air base in Russia located 50 km northwest of Ilinskiy. It was shown on the 1974 Department of Defense Global Navigation Chart No. 3 as having jet facilities. As of 2000 Google Earth indicates it has been dismantled, with some faint outlines still visible.
 courtesy of

Jadi, salmi2 di luar sana, berbanggalah anda sebab nama kita famous! hahahaha.



Not many know about Bruxism/Teeth Grinding.

Bunyi cam scary kan? Cam gergaji. Okay, Ive never knew I had bruxism until...

Syiq : H, H tau tak gesek gigi malam2 buta? 
Whd : Aah, whd pun terjaga malam terdengar.

Since that, I noticed that I woke up every morning feeling thirsty and I told my mother about this. Turns out, she have that too. And it does not turn out fine for her. I'm afraid that my teeth will be gone before I turn 30! OMG!

So, one of my holidays, Ive gone to the dentist and told them about the problem I'm having (Government Dentist) and I think they're a bit defensive and like they're saying, "I have the experience and everything and I know what's right and what's wrong". Because, to me, I don't think it's a problem (other than gigi menipis), worried to those who will have to sleep in the same room as I am. 

 photo courtesy of

And no, takde hantu main gigi ni malam2 ye? Jangan percaya benda karut marut, okay? Benda ini terjadi disebabkan beberapa perkara; (kalau bole ngelak2 la ye?)
Emotional stress, tension and increased anxiety.
Suppressed anger or frustration
Personality type. Some studies show that persons with aggressive, overly competitive, controlling or hyperactive personalities have an increased incidence of bruxism.
Other reasons mentioned as causes of teeth grinding in adults are :
Jaw, head or neck injury
Certain sleep disorders.

Central nervous system dysfunction. Some theories are linking bruxism to the central nervous system disorders such as Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease.
Antidepressant medications like Prozac, Celexa and others, or drugs like ecstasy and cocaine have been reported to cause bruxism as a side effect.
Abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion) may contribute to teeth grinding and teeth clenching.
Alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine are considered as aggravating factors for bruxism.
 courtesy of

Nak kata ada jaw, head and neck injury, sports pun tak main. Sleep disorders? Maybe tak ikut time sangatlah kot, boleh jadi jugak. TAK MUNGKIN PLAK ADA PARKINSON! pffft. Tu gegar je ada (hehehe, sory d), makan ubat antidepression? Nope, never ever. Minum arak? Memang tak arrrr la kan. Adoi!

So, maybe emotional stress, tension or anxiety? It could be. Maybe.

So, to anyone yang tak pernah tau gesek gigi tu apa, nanti lain kali if berpeluang, nak mintak tolong my friend rekodkan bunyinya. HAHAHAHAH! 

Stay healthy people!


Friday, June 18, 2010

another birthday!

Another birthday wishes for another sister of mine!

The oldest sister's, Along!

"Even though you're getting a year older, that's fine. It makes you a little wiser than before. I hope that many many many years to come, all your dream came true and you get what you wished for. Be happy, positive and smile always!"

You know I love you. Xoxo.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

get rewarded!

Hamboi, nampak perkataan reward2 ni yang buat korang nak tekan2, apa ke benda la reward yang boleh korang dapat dengan senangnya. Ni bukan reward, login facebook dapat RM100, no, ini bukan cara2 hendak mendapatkan duit. Tetapi ini sangat berbeza dan bagus rewardnya!

Semestinya, semua orang pasti hendak ganjaran yang teramat lumayan kan?

Tipulah sape yang tak nak hadiah free.

I was strolling around facebook and found this, it's really informative and I wishes to share it with all the people in the world. Serious lah ni, takkan nak tipu plak kan?

Tapi kalu korang betul2 nak tau cmne nak dapat ganjaran, scroll bawah cket, okay?


Barisan Pertama
Manusia tanpa tangan dan kaki
Mereka di dunia suka menyakiti hati jirannya

Barisan Kedua
Manusia berwajah khinzir/babi hitam
Mereka di dunia melalaikan sembahyang atau sembahyang tetapi masih melakukan kemungkaran.

Barisan Ketiga
Manusia seperti baghal dengan perut seperti gunung penuh dengan ular dan kala jengking
Mereka di dunia enggan mengeluarkan zakat

Barisan Keempat
Manusia mengalir darah dari mulutnya
Mereka di dunia berdusta dalam berjual beli

Barisan kelima
Seperti angin yang bertiup berbau sangat busuk
Mereka menyembunyikan kederhakaan atau maksiat kerana manusia dan mereka tidak takut kepada Allah

Barisan Keenam
Manusia yang tengkorak dan tengkuknya putus
Mereka di dunia menjadi saksi palsu, mengadakan cerita yang tidak berlaku menyebabkan orang teraniaya

Barisan Ketujuh
Manusia tanpa lidah dan keluar darah dari mulutnya
Mereka di dunia enggan memberikan kesaksian atau menyembunyikan suatu kemungkaran menyebabkan hukuman tidak dapat dijalankan

Barisan Kelapan
Manusia berjalan terbalik (kepala di bawah, kaki di atas)
Manusia di dunia melacurkan diri atau berzina tanpa bertaubat

Barisan Kesembilan
Manusia berwajah hitam dan mata serta perutnya berapi
Mereka di dunia makan harta anak yatim

Barisan Kesepuluh
Manusia bertubuh penuh dengan lipiradan blak (sejenis penyakit kulit yang sangat gatal)
Mereka di dunia menderhaka kepada orang tua

Barisan Kesebelas
Manusia yang buta matanya, giginya seperti bertanduk, bibir melebar hingga ke dada, lidah terjulur sampai ke perut dan keluar kotoran yang sangat jijik
Mereka di dunia meminum arak

Barisan Kedua Belas
Manusia berwajah berseri dan bercahaya
Mereka di dunia golongan beriman dan beramal soleh

Kita duduk di barisan mana? Renungkanlah

Madresah Haji Lodin,
Changkat Jelutong, Changkat Perak

So agak2 lah, korang nak ganjaran yang mana satu eh? :) Harap2, korang aim no 12 tuh ye? Hee.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Tamatnya sebuah perjalanan

Khamis yang lepas, secara sahnya, saya tamat Diploma selama 3 tahun yang berlangsung di Sarawak.

Pada mulanya, SPM saya tidaklah mebanggakan dek kerna main yang tidak sudah2. Jadi, apabila diterima masuk ke UiTM, rasa bagaikan Tuhan telah memberi satu peluang untuk menyambung belajar. There's a catch, ia berada di Sarawak.

Dahulu, sewaktu belajar di sekolah menengah, keluargaku selalu membuat lawak kalau saya jahat2, nanti kena hantar pergi Sabah / Sarawak. Ternyata kemasinan mulut mereka, aku dapat di Sarawak. Tidak ada apa2 hendak dibanggakan selain, tiketnya yang sangat mahal, tidak dapat pulang ke rumah setiap minggu, makannya tidak seperti di Semenanjung dan duitnya selalu tidak ada.

Mula2, Sarawak bagiku suram kerana keluargaku meninggalkan ku di situ dan berbulan2 selepas itu barulah dapat berjumpa (cuti sem) tetapi selepas hampir 3 tahun menetap di sana, aku sangat2 menyukai tempat tersebut dan rakan2 yang ku temui di sana. Walaupun aku tidak reti berkawan ramai2 dalam satu masa, tetapi kawan yang ku ada, cukup untuk mengembirakan hariku. Walaupun kami berbeza tempat, pendapat dan kaum, kami tetap bersama; pahit, manis, masam, cuka. 

Selepas tiga tahun, aku telah graduate dari situ. Percayalah, pengalamannya tidak dapat disamakan dengan budak2 yang belajar di Semenanjung. Perasaannya lain. Tetapi kita sebagai manusia, tak mungkin mempunyai perasaan yang sama. 

Wahai rakan2ku, tamatlah perjalanan kita sebagai pelajar diploma. Diharap kita belajar erti berdikari dan kehidupan di situ dan keseronokan belajar! HAHAHAHAHA.

p/s : Bahasa Baku menjadi igauan sekejap. Teringin.



Today, I just want to wish;

"Happy Birthday to my sister. May your life filled with happiness, warmest & a pool of gold. Hope you'll have a great day ahead of you"



Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today, I knew partly the truth. And yes, truth is never good, it's always dark and unhappy.

People say money can't buy happiness, money is a must. But sometimes, money destroy trust, love, respect and relationships. I don't believe money can bring us happiness, money is a nuisance, money especially paper money create problems and create foolish and selfish human. Money creates thief, liar, or never-ending problem.

Everyone around me, wishes that they would want to buy those expensive things, needs to buy this and that, and I don't know, just shopping. You work your ass out, and you spend for this one thing that will not last a lifetime, but somehow it gives people the pleasure of spending; of showing off; of pride, I guess. I don't know, you decide.

Maybe you would say, "Alah, orang tade duit and desperate or a loser je akan tulis post cmni". But I don't care, who the hell are you to call other people loser? Desperate? or whatever youngster calling each other. 

I know, I dont write some funny post, some entertaining life, because that was never the purpose of living on this earth. Sometimes, people would make fun of me, laughing at whatever I had to say, but seriously, have you ever looked yourself in the mirror? Are you really enjoying yourself and wasting yourself on the reason of having fun? Have you not see the world today and what have "they've" done to us? Are you really enjoying that they're killing our brothers and sisters? And we ourselves, helps to contribute to killing our brothers and sisters?

Don't be too self-absorb. It cames back to money. Suka kan terjebak dengan kenikmatan di dunia sehingga terlupa dengan kesengsaraan dalam alam kubur? *sorry my past few blogs have been about religion things* but bukaklah mata, wake up! Orang kata, I ni taksub and everything, but I want to help my other brothers and sisters to see the bigger picture. People are full of lies.

My life is full of lies, foolishness and dissapointment. 

Dont ever forget Allah SWT. Tak payah fikir tentang dosa yang kita telah lakukan, fikirkan bagaimana kita hendak menghindari yang akan datang. Sesungguhnya 99 nama Allah SWT, salah satunya adalah Maha Pengampun.

Nobody wants to be in hell, but no one is trying to reach for heaven. 

More or less, jangan kerana tak nak mengambil tahu tentang agama dan membuat anda rasa takut kerana sememangnya itu semua merupakan ujian Allah SWT terhadap kita. Dan sesungguhnya, Allah SWT tidak akan menguji umatNya jikalau umatNya tidak mampu menghadapinya. Dan di saat kita ingin berputus asa itulah, Allah SWT akan kurniakan nikmat yang sangat elok.

Lastly, seriously, janganlah makan harta anak yatim piatu. That is the most the unhalal things that Allah SWT will never forgive. I will never forgive.

Even Michael Jackson's knews what money is.

