Friday, January 29, 2010

True / False Facts

This fun was one of my favourite topic that I love to talked about.

Fact 1
Orang cakap, kalau kita minum soya selalu, buah dada seorang perempuan akan membesar.
H : absolutely agree! Sebab, H minum time skolah2 dulu and I can see the results! :))

Fact 2
Orang cakap, kalau kita pergi rasa cam jauh and lama and balik rasa sekejap,  sebab pokok2 atau tempat tu tak kenal kita, jadi dia bagi salam kat kita masa kita pegi. So, balik sekejap sebab dia da kenal kita, so tak payahlah bagi salam.
H : agree lagi kot, cam betul pun ada jugak.

Fact 3
H cakap, kalau kita tengok citer antu and tak dengar sound, kita takkan takut, walaupun kita tengok.
H : mmglah agree, sebab buat!

Fact 4
Orang cakap, kalau tido malam gesek2 gigi, itu mainan syaitan.
H : tak agree, kalu kita stress atau penat sangat2, dia bole jadi jugak. Sebab H pun gesek gigi malam2!

Facts 5
H cakap, kalau kita mainkan2 ati orang, orang itu akan baling asid dekat muka dia.
H : Hahahaha! Yes, itu masih lagi H percaya sebab manusia ini berbeza, tak elok main2kan.

Facts 6
H cakap, kalau kita selalu makan dan selalu jalan, insyallah, takkan gemuk.
H : HAHAHAAH! salah teori ni, sebab kalau makan banyak benda berminyak dan berlemak, selain kaki, yang lain naiklah kan?
Facts 7
Orang cakap, buat baik berpada2, buat jahat jangan sekali.
H : Yeap, true sangat2. What goes around, comes around, KAN?

Facts 8
H cakap, kalau kita nak lecturer tu tau kita kononnya faham, bila dia tanya, "Any Questions", kita pandang matanya dan ckap, "Takde, sebab da faham" walaupun sebnarnya tak faham. 
H : Yes, cara ini paling terbaik. HAHAHA.

Cukuplah 8 facts yang tertera di atas, tade idea dah. HAHAHA.



Under certain circumstances, I'm doing my newest blog and yes, I'm making it as a public reading. 
I don't wish to hide anymore. 

I'm 5' ft 2 inch and I'm turning 21 this year. I love to talk but at the same time, I'm actually lazy to talk or i'm just to tired to talk. 

I do have a boyfriend but I don't wish to brag about him in my blog, like all the time. And yeah, I love him that much and im trying to keep it private. ;)

I really do love numbers but sometimes I find it hard when there is so much zero. And by the way, I'm taking Diploma in Banking in Sarawak.

I'm the youngest in the family and it's true what people said about the youngest one even we tried to denied it. My birthday's in October and it is not on Halloween. 

I have so many friends but I have few true friends, friends that I can depend on. Not that there will be any problem, but people seem so judgmental when I talked about this matter, just wanted to make something clear, if you don't like me, don't be my friend. You're just making your life miserable.

I love being loved and love being in love. Don't all human desired being loved? So do I.

I love my mother more than anything in this world. I would anything to make her happy and smile even though I maybe not the perfect daughter but I will try my best to make her world a better place. XOXO

I love to study alone, it helps me concentrate and regularly love to be in a group study. Plus, I love to help people in numbers.

I love to eat mainly chicken, spicy foods, sweet/sour drinks but that doesn't stop me from getting my ideal body : Lemak yang banyak, tahniah :)

My first name is same as my sisters and seriously, I love each of them differently.

I love music, especially music you don't even heard before. Keroncong, 50's, 40's or 30's, and dangdut or any "gelinja" songs, you named it, I love it :)

People seems to sell me with my body because I don't know, I think Im fat but somehow people can be attracted to it. HAHAAH. Berangan. Anyway, dekat sini I always feels as a mother thanks to my fellow friends which they called me as "mok". :)

I love being me and that should be more than what I have to say. 



Saturday, January 23, 2010

New opening

It's 2010. 

Happy new year, and have a jolly fun year.

I'm different that who I am, but still I'm still the same-repeating-radio self, but more mature than what I am last year and last last year.

Peeps, take care and have a prosperous year.

