Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello people! :D

It's been a very long time since I last updated my bloggggg. It shows that Im practically a very busy women...? busy girl? or just plain busy body? 

Anyhow, I should share the meaning of my post! It's the initial of My name plus the exact location im at, which is Shah Alam. I am proud to say that Im a Shah Alam-nian. 

"Bachelor in Business Administration (Hons) Finance" is what im doing now. OMG! Feels old to even said that. No more, wednesday's movie day or even gula-pong day or even ayam penyet nights, it's about money money and money. It's endless battle and the fatigue seeeeems like forever.

Seriously, I don't have anything to share with you other than I am happy right this second. Im closer to my family and friends but I can't socialize like im supposed to. Degree isn't like the old diploma days that we can sits around and enjoy the day with some korean movie or gossips girl on my mind. It's about improving yourself and prepare you for a career world, soon. 

Clearly, I can't think of any other way to achieve what I want rather than sacrifices the little stuff. Im aiming high, and hoping it paid off someday. Im planning for the future and trying not to look at my past again and again. And yes, I hope this by far the best decision for myself. I can't afford to start all over again. :) if you know what I meant.

Thank you to the Knowing Your Inner Strength seminar. I am now, feeling fantastic all the time :)

Song : Candy-Mandy Moore
