Friday, February 11, 2011


Sometimes, I'm kinda a hopeless romantic kind of person.

I love to day-dream in the middle of the day, wanting something that is impossible. Something out of our control.

For the past few decades of my life, i'm always searching for something, something to feel my heart. An emptiness that needed to be filled.

I'm searching for love and affection.

According to; 

Affection is a tender feeling toward another, fondness.

I longed for affection, like forever. Love is something subjective, something that is easy to find, to be in, but affection takes years to build and to be found, because men is usually associated with their ego's and everything.

Yes, we know you have ego and need to be a man, but we need affection too.

This is also mainly I loved to watched black and white movies, and their love life seems promising and real and pure. I dreamed of that.

I dreamed  of;

1. Found "the one" or in other words, my soulmate (and I don't really use this term because it is hard and possible to find your soulmate)
2. Just sitting and stare and gazing at each other and thankful that we have met the right person but seldomly at the right time
3. Spending the time in the day, just be with each other without saying a word eventhough our heart spokes to each other (more or less, macam bluetooth)
4. When we're old, we're everywhere selling kuih-muih, or travelling around Malaysia and just spend what's left in our life.
5. He will read our love story as I will have an Alzheimer (Insya-Allah tak ada, walaupun itu penyakit keturunan :p)
6. We will buy a house beside the sea and get out from all the chaos of the city.
7.  Dancing in the middle of the streets, walking around the beach, singing in the rain, 
8. Go to PARIS and re-live the black and white movies :)
9. Write a book about our love story just to ready when we are old enough and waiting for our time.
10. Just be ourselves and do what makes us happy.

+ 11. Died at the same time, because we couldn't live without the other one.

I know it's a bit cheesy and hopeless, but it's what I want.

And I hope, that I will find the love and affection that I'm searching for.

Is it possible? *Gary Barlow - Forever Love*


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