Sunday, February 28, 2010


Does anyone know what is facebook? Tipula if you don't know what the heck is Facebook. Practically, every human in this universe know what is Facebook.
But eventually, Facebook will seriously make serious damages to all human kind. Unfortunately, i'm one of the human who is included.

Did you heard, baru2 ni, ada kes about this girl talks about ppuan2 Sarawak ni mcm2 lah (I can't remember actually) and yeah, bole dikatakan everyone was kinda pissed off. So much of 1Malaysia la kan? Sudah2lah dengan permansuhan 1Malaysia yang satu hari nati, setiap manusia boleh berpecah belah sebabkan status yang tak bermakna and menyakitkan hati.

And to anyone who actually concerns, don't give the benefit of the doubt to yourselves. I'm not trying to provoked you or anything, but please, just stop. I know who you're talking about and stop reading my status because it is seriously not for you. I actually have a life, you should have yours too. Don't take anything for granted, what have passed, let it just be the past and look into the future, a better one.
I didn't make fun of you, or anything, you're the one who felt something. And yeah, I tried. But sometimes, life isn't fair. What else do you want? What more do you want? I really don't understand why you want things to go back to they were because we all know, that we will never be like before. Even before these things happened, you were happy and I was happy. So, why ruined it? You just remember me, as one of the chapter in your life.

Back to the original topic,  JANGAN ADA FACEBOOK, FACEBOOK MEMBUNUH! HAHAHHA. Nah, don't believe everything that you read and see, it's not true, and don't call people names, it's not healthy. And if you must know, not everything is about you, I actually have a life. :)


Friday, February 19, 2010

old friends

Yesterday, I went to see my old gang, d, eman, sue & saf ;)

Its been quite a while since we all sits and just talk. Unfortunately, Saf couldn't stay long because she has something else that she need to do. But that doesn't mean, the ones yang tinggal pun kena balik kan? 

Actually, I was dying to watch "Valentine's Day" but seriously, it's not our lucky day. Only selected cinema which showing that movie. Dengan semangatnya, I asked them to go to Pavillion but the show was indeed was too late for us, girls. 

So, we decided to sit and talk about anything. There's a lot of catching up and juicy gossips, but still, sehari pun takkan cukup nak cerita.

Suddenly, sue said;
Sue : OMG, korang kita dah cerita about our future? 
Me : Tula, teringat dulu cite pasal laki itu laki ini. Especially me. ^_^ Tak lama lagi cerita pasal nak kerja la, kawinlah or maybe anak.
Eman : Aku rasa samada zuhan (only my schoolmate called me by that name) or d yang kawin dulu.
Me : T_T (gatal sangat ke aku? HAHAHAHAHA)

End of the day, I can't believe I can be this close to these girls ;) gonna miss you guys! 

p/s : Plan PD plan plan cepat. :)


Monday, February 15, 2010

books and stories

Hari ini sangat seronok sekali kerana setelah beberapa lama tak main air, akhirnya dapat memenuhi kemahuan yang telah lama tertunggak! (i know i sounded der-eh aka dirty, eheheh).

Today's agenda includes me, angah, along and my cuzzie, Ai. :) Sebelum kami berangkat ke swimming pool along yang terletak di rumahnya itu, kami bersarapan bersama2 ibu saya berserta pakcu dan makcu ku. But the main point, wasn't about the swimming in the swimming pool.

Sedang enak melayan selera roti bawang campur telur cicah kari ikan (sluuuuuurp!) dengan teh peng/teh ais, pakcu membuka cerita, "Ajia, kalau pakcu tanya, jangan marah eh?", semua mata memandang ke arah angah. Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu jantung angah berdegup laju mana. "Umm, tak marah. Apa dia, pakcu?" seraya angah bertanya kembali. "Dengar citer, you're a good writer. Ajia tak nak try buat buku ke?". (Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang nampak betapa gumbiranya hati beta masa ini kerana..)

Imbas kembali kepada tahun 2009, 12 hari (kot lah, tak ingat sudah) sebelum tahun baru..

Me : Korang, tibe2 hany rasa excited! Rasa cm nak bukak company! Korang cepat brain-storming nak bukak kedai apa.
Along : Tulah, kita boleh bukak pakai online shopping dulu.
Angah : Betul2, tapi kita nak jual apa?
Hani : (sambil memegang pen dan kertas) kita buka kedai..bla bla bla (terpaksa dirahsiakan sebab nati orang curi idea. hehehe.) Cepat2, korang pun kena fikir jugak.

Setelah beberapa ketika kemudian..
Hani : (dengan nada yang hampa) takpelah, seperti biasa, hani kuburkan lagi semangat hany ni. Aiyoh. 

Selang beberapa minit kemudian..
Hani : Angah2, hany dapat satu idea yang menarik (kerana masa tu ngah cakap2 pasal blog angah). Apa kata, angah buat buku nak? Cm buku tidurlah intan tuu. Ada pantun, cerita pendek, tulis je pasal apa2, you make up character ke, mesti laku angah. 
Angah : Haa? Boleh ke angah buat? Orang nak ke?
Hani : Adalah, angah uat je dulu, nati kita fikir cmne nak uat lepas tuu. 

(Semalaman, I was bugging and kinda insist her into doing the little project I planned. HEHE. But, after a while, mungkin dia ingat Hany lupa kot, so I just kept quite, like an angry editor!)

Up until this day. Seriously, not all people have the creative mind when delivering a story. The best example of not-so-good writer, ME. As you can read, sometimes, karangan hany tak cukup perkataan and kelam-kabut, kan? HEE. But, seriously, I believe in her, why can't she believe in herself? I hope, she will take this opportunity to show the world what a creative mind she has. :)

Im not going to say it, but seriously, im dying to say it. "I told you so". ;) 

Ruth Gordon once quoted; 
"Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, face the facts."

So dear sister, goodluck and all the best, our prays are with you. ;) Lebiu. :*

p/s : this is her blog,

What do you think? Does she have what it takes to be a great writer ?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

kerja bank

Tadi, I was at my aunt's house. My cousin ada orang datang merisik. Full-stop.

This was one of the interesting conversation between me, angah and my uncle.

Uncle : Hani berapa lama lagi belajar kat Sarawak?
Me : Umm, bulan 5 abeh la belajar, sambung degree, insyallah kat Shah Alam pasni. Now pun da macam kena daftar amik degree, tataula nak amik degree apa lagi.
Uncle : Uatpe nak pecah2 kepala, paling kuat org tanya pun, cakap je ada degree, orang amik keja dah. Cuba tanya angah, uncle cakap apa pasal orang keja bank?
Angah : Orang keja bank, kena tau nak kasi borang apa sebab bila orang datang bank, orang akan tanya soalan2 common macam, "kak, saya nak bukak current account", "ok, isi borang ini, tunggu giliran".
Hani : T_T

So, pengajarannya di sini. No matter what degree you have, end of the day, you aimed for good pay salary and good benefits. 

Do you agree or not? You decide for yourself lah. :)



I love riddles, don't you? The feeling of knowing the answer after 2, 3 minutes of thinking, is worth while. HAHAHA.

Anyway, I was having lunch with my sisters when suddenly, I wanted to give them one of the riddles that my bf gave me but somehow, this would be my favourite riddle.

Along : Kenapa siput jalan slow?
Hani : Sebab dia melekit?
Angah : Sebab dia bawak rumah kat belakangnya?
Along : Yes, jawapan tu betul, i meant kalu ikut logik, betullah jawapan tu, tapi tu bukan jawapan yang tepat. (And yeah, they were ignoring my answer, thank you very much :p)
Angah : (Tanpa berputus asa)
Hani : (was giving nonsense answers. HAHAHAH)

After 5 minutes (I thinklah);
Angah : Sebab dia ngah pikir sama ada dia siput ke babi? (sambil gelak terkekek-kekek because she thought the answer was wrong but..)
Along : YES, that would be the answer.
Hani : T_T

  courtesy of ;


I'm a gleek fan. :)

Since ages ago, achik asked me to watch "Glee". But somehow, I did not want to watched it because it sounded like leech or something.

Anyway, yesterday I had the chance to watch sort of like a marathon (up until the 4th episode on Star World) and OMG, it suited what I like, dancing, singing and drama, of course!

These are some of the video that I love so very much!

This is my favourite top videos ever, for now ;) watch glee!

 courtesy of ;

"officially, im a gleek fan; are you?"


definition of bravery and scared

Greetings y'alls.

What is your definition of Bravery and Scared?

Bravery; a condition whereby I faced my fear and proudly smile to someone else in their eyes.
Scared; a condition whereby I have sweat everywhere and my words doesn't sound like a word.

Where usually this will happened?

Bravery; when I faced with public speaking or presentation or just simply answering a question in class.
Scared; when I felt as if I couldn't answer the right answer such as tests, quizzes & fail.

Probably, you're asking yourself, why the heck im talking about the definition of these two things. Ive just came back from having lunch with my sisters, but something came up, and I have to go back with my achik. But as soon as we reached home, she asked me, 

"Hani, ko nak try bawak keta tak?".
And i answered back;

"Tak naklah, tak berani".(Surely you must called me a coward but I'm a person who afraid of making mistakes, and yeah, my mom and angah did said that kereta achik sangat ringan and thinking of how many times kereta tu dah accident, i rather not took any chances. 

It's not that I don't believe in myself, it just will take a little bit more of time. :)

Anyway, just now, I ate cone pizza near to Rampai. OMG! Im loving it. A Sneak preview of the cone pizza.

courtesy of :

different kind of flavours.
courtesy of :

I have tried it, korang bila lagi? :)


Chinese New Year

I wanted to wish everyone who is celebrating "Chinese New Year" Gongxi Fatt Chai! :)

Have a good tiger year. Rawr!

courtesy of :


Friday, February 12, 2010

Unwanted thoughts

Alhamdulilah, I got to be home for CNY. I misses home too much, especially my mom.

Anyway, trip from Kuching to Kl is a bit dull, because 1stly, I was alone and 2ndly, I was alone.
My plane was at 7.30pm and my seat was at 17B, which was in between this two people and they were sleeping throughout the trip, which was 1 hour and 45 minutes. I, on the other hand, watched One Tree Hill, last episode of the season 2.

But half way through, I was always imagine, what will happened if ever the plane was misconduct and crashed and I died? What will happened? Are people I care for, will care for me? It's one of the things, that voices in head are whispering. You're going to die, just be careful. Or sengaja nak menakutkan diri sendiri.

Also, my bf sent me to the airport today, and we have gotten into a little misunderstanding and I didn't even said, "I love you" to him, and yeah, that thought of not saying it, running through my veins and my ego landed on guilt, scared and sad. I really shouldn't let my ego take over, I should be in control. But seriously, I should always said, "Thanks for everything, you take care of yourself, and always love you". Thanks for the ego, body!

So, again, What if I wasn't here writing this blog, instead I was lying on the stretcher in the hospital fighting for my life? 

 courtesy of :


Majlis Anugerah Dekan (MAD)

Last tuesday, was the Majlis Anugerah Dekan function at Majestic Riverside, Kuching.

At last, it was a dream came true. All the troubles and usaha, sangat berbaloi2. :)

This are a few photos from the function;


me ;)

 persembahan 1Malaysia

 all banking student who received dean's list

 rasa cm harry potter, and the chamber of secrets! :))

 rasa cm gambar dalam majalah, kan? ^_^

 sijil dalam fail tu, oh fyi, i got the reben too after we received the sijil. pffft.

 ni before semua bertukar menjadi pirana. Semua yang penuh2 tengah2 tuh, LICIN! :)

 *credit to Hidayu ;)

 *the part 6 banking*

Although, we didn't got the chance for dinner, but it was worth it. :) 
One dinner down, insyallah, two more to go. BOLEH? :)


Friday, February 5, 2010


A few weeks back, my lecturer wanted to lend my lappy for a presentation, so, my desktop was this one lady and everyone was asking who was she. 

Not many people know who the hell she is, and I hope it will keep it that way. I dreamt of meeting and to be like her. She's my idol, ranked 3rd after my mom and Princess Diana.

Most of you may know her from the story, Breakfast at Tiffany's; Audrey Hepburn


I was so excited to wake up this morning in hopes I could derma darah.

I woke up around 9am, eat and everything until..

Nurse : Ada tak period dalam masa terdekat?
Me : umm, if 5 ari yang lepas dikira tak?
Nurse : (look to her friends and then looked reluctant) Kak, tak dapatla derma.
Me : (looked frustrated) Hmm, takpela.

Selama2 3 tahun dekat Sarawak ini, dah 4 kali terlepas nak derma darah. Satu kali tu, balik umah kawan, dua kali (termasuk yang ni) dah tak dapat, satu sakit, satu sebab tak cukup 7 ari. Satu kali h1n1. Lagi dua, gone! You could not imagine how frustrated I was.

So, lepas all the humiliation, balik kolej jela nampaknya and online untuk meceritakan benda2 ni untuk melupakan. I hope by tomorrow, I will not remember it anymore. Like syiq said, "Cam bayi yang baru lahir, kalau dia main2 dengan kita arine, sok dia mesti tak nak main dengan kita, sebab dia tak kenal kita dah" HAHAA.

Ok, kejap lagi if ada masa, I so wanna watched One Tree Hill which probably half of you must have watched it masa dia famous dulu2. Dulu, I really have watching series, because it takes forever nak tengok. Now, da ada lappy and seriesnya, jalan jela. But, I have to settle the etr (Entrepreneurship) first, yang kena cari market size (Seriously, why do we have learned about etr?) Pfffft. And then, have to pack up some things, sebab on CNY, i'm coming home baby!

And then, tomorrow will be the cleaning day! And kena study selling, ada Test 1 on next wednesday, plus ada presentation Islamic Banking which I tell you, OMG jelah kan. :))


About me

Have you read my long list of about me side?

I was google-ing to find about my self, so, I found this site about numerology. So, I found that I'm number 1. So, under this number one, as you can see, there have been listed a long list of a personality. I just cut and paste. HAHAAHHAAH!

Anyway, you can't really believe in that crap. Because, not all of it are true. Not everything you see or heard are true kan? You have to meet me to believe it. Not all of it are true tau. But, it's up to everyone to trust it or not. Maybe I have that traits only that I would never agree to it. :)

About the self-centered thing, I guessed it's quite true la kot. I do have that negative side of me, but nobody's perfect, so shut the fuck up. I don't really care. HAHAHAH. Rasa lawak bila mencarut. Because I don't curse a lot. That's just not my nature.

Believe it or not, yesterday I was chatting with this friend of mine whom I know for almost 7 years la kot. I was a bit upset with him, because I used to be nice to him, for the sake of (umm, it's just my nature, because I believe in "Buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali") friendship, but a few years back, he was like in a relationship, and yeah, he couldn't care less. It doesn't hurt just to say "hi, what have you've been up to kan?" Macamlah aku ni nak ngorat bagai nak rak. So, yesterday, I was like recklessly spoke like a bitch and he suddenly talked about "Allah" and everything. Yeah, what goes around, definitely it will goes around." Nevertheless, that was my 1st attempt of trying to bitching with anyone. HAHAHA. Sorry, man.

"Revenge will somehow find its way". 

I believe in karma, lagi2 zaman sekarang ini, which brings to my lecturer's lecture, "Allah S.W.T. sekarang tak simpan sampai akhirat, Dia bayar cash terus." So, i will have to agree with her.

To me, revenge is like little kids games, we, as an adult, tak payahlah nak revenge2. If you think you're a nice person and didn't done any wrongs. Let God do His job. :)

Oh, for those who love to see me suffer, yes, I have suffered, thanks a lot for all your prays. Insyallah, yang buruk datang dari kita, dan yang baik dari Allah S.W.T.

