Monday, June 20, 2011

alone but never lonely

Yes, I admit, I can be a bit the soapy person sometimes, but it's just something on my mind.

It's fun when you can hangout, have fun, laughing all day long - with your friends.

Yes, it is fun. I'm a human, of course I can feel the jealousy hole inside of me, but tu bukan rezeki saya. Yes, some other human, did said that i'm a loner. So, is there any problem about loner? Dorang bukan manusia ke? But entahlah, takkan sampai loner pun kau nak gtau semua orang. Apa kejadah ntah. (Post ini bukan nak cari pasal pun, nak cerita pasal benda lain, if terasa, sorry sangat2, never intended to hurt anyone pun).

But i'm not that type of person - the happy go lucky 24/7  but i can be that kind of person that might bores some people.

If only I have money, so that I can join everyone the activities that they do without thinking if the money is sufficient for the next meal, or photostat or paying anything.

If only I have a car, so that I can have friends and hangout and be appreciate rather than menyusahkan orang yang berkereta.

If only I can fulfill all the promise I did with anyone if only I can.

If only I don't have to work to buy my own stuff and things without depending on anyone.

If only I was smart enough to gain trust and respect or feel appreciated.

But like I said, it is all, IF ONLY.

I can only turn to Allah S.W.T. and take this test with open hands, sometimes, there are good things waiting for me. Is not that I don't want to have friends, but I cannot afford it. Hope some people will understand what i'm going through. If only I could.

Song : Dave Koz - Together Again


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