Friday, May 14, 2010

Memorable May

It's seems that I'm a bit late with the "Happy Graduation" shout out!

Here goes;

"Happy Graduation to all 2007 graduates, and it has been a wonderful journey, especially my closest friends, no matter what happened; a matter of life and death, we've made it through. We've known each other too well to begin with, and so hopes that this will never end here, until the day we die. Surprisingly, even you knew me as this snobbish girl, you've never know how much I needed every each person Ive made contact with, and it has been a great pleasure knowing you guys. Thanks a lot, and goodluck in your life as well as mine".

Song Playing at this moment; The Script - Breakeven

Behind these four walls teaches me how to be a better person; makes me understand what the whole world idea; and some serious issues about people and the world.

University teaches me that not everything comes easily like we're in high school, where we can be bitches and talks rubbish aka boys, entertainment, or maybe gossips! It teaches me to be independent (I'm the youngest and a bit insecure about myself) and growing up without not much of girlfriends makes im more vulnerable to the environment around me. But, on second thought, I turned out to be fine, Alhamdulilah I befriended to the right set of friends, I guess, God has answered my prayers, Syukur.

Unfortunately, after these 3 years of journey, Allah S.W.T. has set His own tests upon me and yes, I accepted it with open hands and I was kinda feel uneasy by making other people concerned about me. The truth is, I'm a very strong girl and I like it that way.  

When I'm sick, I wasn't the kind of person who loves to take advantage of other people, unless it is necessary. I don't prefer to ask anyone else for help, if I think I can managed it on my own. Sometimes, in this world, you have to know how to take of yourself. You is your own priority. I don't trust anyone in taking care of me, except myself or my family. Because to me, no matter whatever you label your friends, they someday might end up hurting you. You cannot expect anyone to sacrifice anything for you. The world doesn't work that way, Human doesn't work that way.

Human can be deceiving and human loves to take advantage of others especially the vulnerable one. I don't mind people telling me i'm the "katak di bawah tempurung" and yeah, I admit, sometimes I'm like that, but buat apa, kalau kita melepak tapi hanya menambah dosa, let me, do my own sins with my own actions other than hearing or saying about other people who might even don't even know I'm exist. I don't mind.

Then, friendship. When times gets rough, that's when friendship get tested. What are your own friendship definition really means? Getting together with someone whom possess the same thinking, the way speaking and initiate a lot of cursing? Yes, that may what we called a friendship. A friendship that I seems yet to be bound to. People actually don't enjoy being my friend, because I don't curse, I love to be on my own, and I enjoy watching movie. I don't like to hear people whining because personally, I'm a whiner, and to me, it is enough to have one whiner at a time. But sometimes, to live in this world, we need everybody, and everybody is a community of this world. And yeah, sometimes I have to deal with, whether we like it or not. But the truth is, sometimes friends can also take advantage of yourself and you just have to be beware. Kan? Does anyone agree with this statement? I do. And you know you do.

Disease. My Diploma ended with a drama. A very nerve-wrecking drama. I was diagnosed of positive H1N1. I sure hope you know what is H1n1 because if you're not familiar with these disease, you probably from other planet. Seriously. Okay, it started when I was cleaning my room, alone because the college from where I was staying trying to kick us out from our room, because they wanted to put other student on our block, and yeah, they put outside student priority rather than us, the 3 years student of UiTM. Really magnificent kan? Anyway, that wasn't a problem at first, I don't mind actually. So, my roomate and I have decided when to clean our room, at first, we decided to clean our room, night of 9th May. The last day of our paper, but it turns out that we have to get out of the room early. 

So yeah, I started my cleaning routine which was cleaning the windows (seriously, I love to clean the windows, it gives me pleasure to see the end work of mine; shiny bright windows), then, I clean my roomate shelf, desks, our room floor and mop it out. IT was indeed a very tidy room but it was the pleasure of having a clean nice room, even it was for someone's else enjoyment. Okay, afterwards, I headed out with Ana, Syiq and Shark for a session of relaxing which consists of watching movie; Ironman 2. It wasn't as fantastic as I imagined it to be, it was breathe-taking experience. So, we ate Ayam Penyet because I was practically terbayang-bayang and yeah, I was happy.

That night, I started to feel the heat, and I was wearing my monkey green sweater, with long track-bottom and selubungkan diri with the selimut. I think my temperature was up until 40 degree Celsius. So, the next day, I went to see the doctor and the doctor said, I was having an illness which is likely, h1n1. And had to be quarantined. Sheeda's also feeling the same, and she was the first to have the same simptons, because, like me, she was cleaning her room, the night before. So, ended we're both had to be quarantined.

So does when our last paper of diploma, mine was MKT361, Principles and Practice of Selling and her's was ECM something (she's taking civil engineering and I'm not very familiar with their paper). So, we took our paper in the Bilik Rekod Pelajar and that room gives me the creeps. Seriously. End up, we're headed back, relaxing while other kids jumping around, saying goodbye to Uitm and headed home. I have to stayed here until 20th May because I wanted to attend MEDEC; an entrepreneurship course handled by UiTM. Which is Free of Charge. Okay due to our illness, Syiqqin, had convinced the college people that we are infected with the disease and they decided to let us stayed in our room until 20th May which was splendid! 

Then, after that day, Sheeda told me, that I'm experiencing halucinations which actually, it is very suttle. The first night, I felt someone was tapping on my tights in the middle of the night, on the second night, I hear someone was tapping on my window and a day after, I hear someone was knocking on my door (I was staying alone in the room). So, Ive decided to go and see an old friend of mine, Amy and Rehan. This two, was my first ever roomate. They're both are Sarawakian. I don't have anything against Sarawakian but these two girls are the only ones that I'm comfortable with. They accepted me as the way I am, not being to talk in Sarawak. HAHAHA! Loves you both.

We all sleeps on the same bed, share the same comforter and breathe the same air. The 3rd day I was there, the medical officer told me, that I'm a confirm H1n1 positive. And seriously, the way he delivers the news, as if I was, HIV positive. and i'm not being rude, but it's a nerve-wrecking experience. From having the time of your life, to having this burden on your shoulder where you think, you're going to die. I didn't want to upset my mother, so, I told her I was alright. Which I did not do that, It's hard to be lying especially to my mother which I have bad experience with (the lies), so, she was alaaaaa, what she does the best, being a mother who very worried for her little daughter (which is not so little anymore). I assured her that I was ok, and I was only coughing and the test was not real. 

Amy, Rehan and Awang (Amy's Bf) was on their way to the General Hospital, and Rehan called me and said, "Weyh, ko bukan orang H1n1 sebab kalau H1n1, dia kena masuk hospital and kena kuarantin. And orang tu gelak2 dekat aku". I was like WTF is she talking about? And yeah, that does make sense, rilek aje orang2 kat sini treat orang H1n1 kan? Seriously, It wasn't more than what we called ILI (Influenze Likeness Illness) which Rehan had told me earlier yesterday. Okay, the next day, I went to see the doctor and you know what the doctor said?

Doc : Salmi, awak dah rasa sehat ke?
Salmi : Dah doktor, cuma batuk2 cket.
Doc : (sambil amik temperature) okay.
Salmi : Sok saya boleh pergi MEDEC tak?
Doc : Pukul brp MEDEC awak? (sambil menulis temperature which was 37.3)
Salmi : Petang saya rasa.
Doc : Okay, sebelum awak pegi MEDEC, datang jumpa saya, and awak dah bole bukak mask awak esok.
Salmi : T_T *terpinga2, budak baru ken diagnosed H1n1, da kena kuar*

Seriously, Diploma has a very weird way to ended and It was indeed a nice thing to be remembered. To all my friends and family, sorry to give a scare. Jom jaga kebersihan diri dan jauhi H1n1! :))

That's all folks. Remind me to update my blog.


(ps : 311 - Love Song is ringing on my mind.)

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