Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today, I knew partly the truth. And yes, truth is never good, it's always dark and unhappy.

People say money can't buy happiness, money is a must. But sometimes, money destroy trust, love, respect and relationships. I don't believe money can bring us happiness, money is a nuisance, money especially paper money create problems and create foolish and selfish human. Money creates thief, liar, or never-ending problem.

Everyone around me, wishes that they would want to buy those expensive things, needs to buy this and that, and I don't know, just shopping. You work your ass out, and you spend for this one thing that will not last a lifetime, but somehow it gives people the pleasure of spending; of showing off; of pride, I guess. I don't know, you decide.

Maybe you would say, "Alah, orang tade duit and desperate or a loser je akan tulis post cmni". But I don't care, who the hell are you to call other people loser? Desperate? or whatever youngster calling each other. 

I know, I dont write some funny post, some entertaining life, because that was never the purpose of living on this earth. Sometimes, people would make fun of me, laughing at whatever I had to say, but seriously, have you ever looked yourself in the mirror? Are you really enjoying yourself and wasting yourself on the reason of having fun? Have you not see the world today and what have "they've" done to us? Are you really enjoying that they're killing our brothers and sisters? And we ourselves, helps to contribute to killing our brothers and sisters?

Don't be too self-absorb. It cames back to money. Suka kan terjebak dengan kenikmatan di dunia sehingga terlupa dengan kesengsaraan dalam alam kubur? *sorry my past few blogs have been about religion things* but bukaklah mata, wake up! Orang kata, I ni taksub and everything, but I want to help my other brothers and sisters to see the bigger picture. People are full of lies.

My life is full of lies, foolishness and dissapointment. 

Dont ever forget Allah SWT. Tak payah fikir tentang dosa yang kita telah lakukan, fikirkan bagaimana kita hendak menghindari yang akan datang. Sesungguhnya 99 nama Allah SWT, salah satunya adalah Maha Pengampun.

Nobody wants to be in hell, but no one is trying to reach for heaven. 

More or less, jangan kerana tak nak mengambil tahu tentang agama dan membuat anda rasa takut kerana sememangnya itu semua merupakan ujian Allah SWT terhadap kita. Dan sesungguhnya, Allah SWT tidak akan menguji umatNya jikalau umatNya tidak mampu menghadapinya. Dan di saat kita ingin berputus asa itulah, Allah SWT akan kurniakan nikmat yang sangat elok.

Lastly, seriously, janganlah makan harta anak yatim piatu. That is the most the unhalal things that Allah SWT will never forgive. I will never forgive.

Even Michael Jackson's knews what money is.


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