Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Not many know about Bruxism/Teeth Grinding.

Bunyi cam scary kan? Cam gergaji. Okay, Ive never knew I had bruxism until...

Syiq : H, H tau tak gesek gigi malam2 buta? 
Whd : Aah, whd pun terjaga malam terdengar.

Since that, I noticed that I woke up every morning feeling thirsty and I told my mother about this. Turns out, she have that too. And it does not turn out fine for her. I'm afraid that my teeth will be gone before I turn 30! OMG!

So, one of my holidays, Ive gone to the dentist and told them about the problem I'm having (Government Dentist) and I think they're a bit defensive and like they're saying, "I have the experience and everything and I know what's right and what's wrong". Because, to me, I don't think it's a problem (other than gigi menipis), worried to those who will have to sleep in the same room as I am. 

 photo courtesy of

And no, takde hantu main gigi ni malam2 ye? Jangan percaya benda karut marut, okay? Benda ini terjadi disebabkan beberapa perkara; (kalau bole ngelak2 la ye?)
Emotional stress, tension and increased anxiety.
Suppressed anger or frustration
Personality type. Some studies show that persons with aggressive, overly competitive, controlling or hyperactive personalities have an increased incidence of bruxism.
Other reasons mentioned as causes of teeth grinding in adults are :
Jaw, head or neck injury
Certain sleep disorders.

Central nervous system dysfunction. Some theories are linking bruxism to the central nervous system disorders such as Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease.
Antidepressant medications like Prozac, Celexa and others, or drugs like ecstasy and cocaine have been reported to cause bruxism as a side effect.
Abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion) may contribute to teeth grinding and teeth clenching.
Alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine are considered as aggravating factors for bruxism.
 courtesy of

Nak kata ada jaw, head and neck injury, sports pun tak main. Sleep disorders? Maybe tak ikut time sangatlah kot, boleh jadi jugak. TAK MUNGKIN PLAK ADA PARKINSON! pffft. Tu gegar je ada (hehehe, sory d), makan ubat antidepression? Nope, never ever. Minum arak? Memang tak arrrr la kan. Adoi!

So, maybe emotional stress, tension or anxiety? It could be. Maybe.

So, to anyone yang tak pernah tau gesek gigi tu apa, nanti lain kali if berpeluang, nak mintak tolong my friend rekodkan bunyinya. HAHAHAHAH! 

Stay healthy people!


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