Saturday, March 6, 2010


Have you ever feel a sudden craving in your skin, in your mouth and in your mind?

Well, I do, thanks to syiqqin actually. Give her a big applause.
It started with a sunny day and we were doing the usual stuffs before lepak-ing  in the library. Singgah di kedai favourite iaitu, Kedai Koop di U-floor. Everything was smooth (buying candy, water etc.) when suddenly, she spotted this shining plastic wrapping chocolate.
courtesy of :
Which more or less, looks like this picture above. She took it, and secara tak langsung, I was influenced by this gold wrapper chocolate. And yeah, I bought it, for RM3.20.

And the craving was on-going to 3 days, thanks to holidays, perut mesti dah lupa pasal Crunchie. Dasyat tak dasyat pengaruh crunchie or sebnarnya, pengaruh syiq. :)))

Another craving, yogurt like stick/straw which we have eat it like choki choki. Ana, a friend of mine, ate this thing like every second of the day, non-stop without drinking any plain water. Boleh kencing manis, why? SEBAB BENDA TUH MANIS GILA! 
PERINGATAN UNTUK KEDAI SWEETHEART : Ban Ana and kawan2 dia yang memperkenalkan dekat dia. :)))))

Life in campus is really funny. What's your story?


